Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick update

I have gotten behind in blogging, it's just hard to get on the computer. I know lots of moms say that and it has happened to me. I still need to blog about our trip to California to see a good friend get married but for now I am just getting a short post done.
Carter is 18 months....and he is getting more independent. He is 24 1/2 lbs and is 33 inches. He can now climb up on the couches and is learning to jump. He loves jumping on our neighbors trampoline. He loves to shut doors and try to keep us out of rooms. He is signing - Please, more, all done, wash  And he is saying hot, when his food is too hot. He says sheshe for our neighbor Ashley. Dada, oh no, no and he is just starting to try saying more words, so I'm sure that list will grow pretty quickly. He likes doing pilates and run to get on the machine when my clients come, so he gets there before they do. He is a big helper and most of the time a good listener. It's amazing how much they understand. He likes flushing the toilet for me and sweeping the floor. He wants to read all the time now. Loves rocks and cars. He is down to one nap and honestly becoming a big boy. I seriously LOVE this kid and he is so fun. He is starting to be able to play more independently, so sometimes I can cook dinner without him under foot. He started going to nursery at church and doesn't even need us there. It's amazing.
I will post some pictures of him soon and his long surfer hair. He has gotten called a girl a few times. I need to learn to cut it, but one of these days I will get it done.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

17 months, where does the time go?

My little man is growing up...and he is strong willed and knows what he wants. My parents and sister, Tami came to visit us in July. Carter is a grandpa's boy, sorry Grandma and Tami. He hears a computer or TV turn on and comes running. He loved helping Grandpa do work on the computer.
Trying to get milk out of this big bottle...not going to work. As you can see he is into cars and loves seeing tractors or big trucks.

Carter and I took a road trip to Boise and then on to Canada with my parents. We stayed at my sisters house in Boise for a few days and spent the 4th of July with them. Carter loved playing with his cousins. We had a great water balloon fight and I won the water balloon toss both times with different partners, my reward was getting ganged up on by everyone and soaked. Poor losers!
We celebrated Jacob's birthday with ice cream. Carter LOVED the ice-cream bars.
So glad we were there to hang out with my favorite 9 year old. Jacob is an awesome kid and so good with Carter.

Then we 

Then we continued our travels to the Great White North. My brother and his family were there too. Jovie and Oakley cowgirl-ed up at the ranch.
So did Jessica and Madison. They are true cowgirls riding bareback. They love horses and loved spending as much time together as possible.
In Calgary we went to the zoo. Carter loves looking at animals and if they are close enough he pokes at their noses.

He also enjoyed a Popsicle cause it was unusually warm for Canada.

We also went to a few hours of kids day at the Stampede. It was the 100th year celebration so it was busier than normal.We hit a few pancake breakfasts that week to get in the spirit. At one of them there were line dancers, I joined them for a dance and some one tried to recruit me.

The kids liked being in the jail buggy.

Back at the ranch Carter loved helping move things around in his tractor. He doesn't drive it, but he likes to sit in it and load it up with stuff. 

He was a big helper to Grandpa and dad. Here he is helping shoot gophers.

Jessica and Madison played dress up just like my sisters and I did when we were younger. So fun!

Grandpa took us all fishing. I call us the Gum Boot Gang!
Riding in the back of the truck, watch out for bumps!

Carter had his own pole that he liked swinging around. He even touched a fish that someone caught.

Back to Logan and Carter thinks he is getting so big. First time he climbed on the coffee table, but I'm sure it will happen again. TROUBLE!