Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ahhh, leave it to the professionals

 And these pictures are why you pay to have someone else take the photos. Honestly...not sure I can say this enough....but I really think he is adorable. I tell him that all day long. He really is a great baby, and when he sleeps through the night or at least longer.....I will love him even a little bit more. Jokes....I don't mind getting up to his cute little face or cry. But I do miss sleep, A LOT!
He stretches his arms all the time. I have heard that means they are growing or something, his arms are going to be crazy long then.

Even cute when he cries. The photos were during his nap time, but he wasn't about to go to sleep till it was over. He was getting over it after an hour and a half. Plus he was naked and his little lip shivers when he is naked. So cute.

We tried to get him to stand in this bucket to take some cute shots but he was almost jumping out of it. He likes to use his legs to push. Trust me, he will not need a jolly jumper.


His little sad face....makes me want to snuggle him.

He didn't want to lay on the soccer ball, pretty sure he will still have to love soccer. (if his dad has anything to do with it)
Our family glamour shot!

My glamour shot with my wee baby boy!

He likes his dad, who thinks he is a baby whisperer. He does good the 30% he gets to spend with him. There is no bitterness there.....just saying I am the one who is with him all day and night.

This is us taking a stroll on Sunday with Jim's family. They go see their neighbors horses and we took Carter in this Buggy. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jim's dad wasn't pushed in this as a baby. Vintage! That thing has some good bounce. Jim's mom said she could get 3 kids in this thing. I wish I lived in the day when buggies and kids jumping around in the car with no seat belts was normal. I am all about safety, but there are a few too many rules. Jim believes in survival of the fittest, but the USA doesn't.


The Suzzzz said...

Yeah they bought the buggy when Kristeen was born. It used to have a canopy and a few less holes. I think most of the wear and tear came from us kids using it as a play thing when we were old enough to know better.

Great pictures, he is a cute little guy!

Angela said...

Love the PICTURES, what an adorable little man. I like your bangs too, you look so different, so stylish! Can't wait to come and see little Carter in person soon.