Thursday, February 23, 2012

Look whose's one!

Wow, it's been a year! My cute boy is growing up. He has been so easy, happy, and perfect. It's a joy to be his mother. His personality is coming out more each day. He is playful and loves music and the outdoors. I'm sure come summer time he won't want to come inside.
Grandpa and Grandma Hickman let us have the party at their house, which was so nice. They have a pool, which Carter loves. We found out it is a conditional love....based on there not being lots of others or noise. He would not stay in the pool once everyone else started getting in and it became loud. Funny, he loves when I vacuum and runs behind me trying to be louder than it. He is spoiled to be in a quiet home, with a mother that caters to him.
My family made the trip from Canada and Boise to help us celebrate! So nice of them! We love having them come visit.
We started the birthday off with ballons, which are always a hit. Lucas was trying to help Carter get the ballons, and they had fun chasing them around.

The theme was fish since it was a swim party.
This cake was not as easy at it looks. Mostly cause it was hard to ice the sides that had been cut. Carter did not get his own cake, but he did get a fin to dive into.

A little ocean jello. Note to self, Swedish fish are better outside the jello. 

Here is my sweet niece, Jessica. She is almost 11 and I remember when she was this age. I loved going to visit her. 

Here are Jim and my dad trying to convince Carter to didn't work. 
"Get me out of here, mom!" While I try to keep putting him in so I can get some pictures. Holly and Caden are in the hot tub.

Kyla teaching Carter how to doggie paddle.

Jessica, Haley, and Parker swimming. At least everyone else was enjoying themselves. I think all the kids tried to drown Jim at one point. I am glad he survived.

Drying off my little fish, as I feed him some gold fish.

Aunt Suzanne wishing Carter a happy birthday!

Uncle Rob, Grandpa Hickman, and Stacey all came to join in the celebration.
Our good friends the Robbins also came. Carter kept giving Haley the evil eye and frowny face cause I told him that she was going to babysit him someday. His reaction was surprising. He really understands so much it's amazing!

Daddy and the birthday boy!

Happy family! Can't believe our baby is ONE!

He will try to blow on food now cause we do it when his food it hot. It is funny to watch him do it.

Digging in to his fin! Mostly frosting but he is not afraid. After a while it starts to bug him that his hands are dirty, so I had to wash them off.

Frosting face!

Marshmallow face!

He liked playing with his balloons. He loved the jello and the cake. 
So fun to have my family in town.  My sister's 3 kids LOVE Carter and are so good to him. It took him a little bit to warm up to my sister and parents...well he is a Grandpa's boy. He loves being my dad's little helper. Sits with him when he is working on the computer, played with him in the snow, threw his watch in the toilet. That was Grandpa's fault in two ways. I told everyone that the only rule was close the toilet lids....which Grandpa forgot to do and it happened to be when he had given Carter his watch and the men were in charge of the kids. So I don't feel bad.
Carter loves to play outside. He had a great time with Grandpa and Jacob and Lucas in the snow.

My sister Angela playing with Carter on the drive to the Party!
A big thanks to Jim's parents for hosting and my mom and sister for helping with everything. So nice to have extra hands to get things done. It was a great weekend. We are so blessed.
 Then on Monday Carter had his 1 year appointment. He is 23 pounds, 30 inches long, and healthy. SO grateful for that! 
Happy birthday baby boy! So glad you joined our family!


Halaufia's said...

Happy Birthday Carter! I can NOT believe he is ONE! Time Flies!

The Suzzzz said...

Frosting cut cakes is easier if you try this. Freeze the cut cake overnight. When you take it out of the freezer dip your fingers in cold water and very lightly run them over the cut sides. Frost immediately before it thaws. Let it stand at room temperature after frosting for about 2 hours before serving.

You did a great job, it was a really cute party and the cake was adorable! The ocean jello was pretty tasty.