Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sweet Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!

He was trying to get to me while I was taking the pictures. He loves seeing the pictures I take. Makes it harder to get pictures of him though. He loved his balloon. He gives me kisses, nice big juicy ones. I taught him to kiss himself in the mirror. He cracks himself up when he does it. He is cuddly and I love my little Valentine. I love my big Valentine too!

It is so funny to see his personality come out. He will duck down then pop up, playing peek a boo. He has tried to scare us by hiding around a corner then running out and shouting. He opens the garage door and loves to push buttons. He can understand so much of what we say now. Sometimes he chooses to listen, other times, not so much. He likes to squeeze inbetween things. Most of the time it is between our two bar stools. But today it was inbetween our two dressers. I didn't think he could fit there, but he does.

Since it has been so nice we have played outside a few times and he loves being outside. We finally had snow the other day, so I dressed him  up and took him out. He loved it. He needed help walking in it, but had no problem eating it.

He loves to look at books and be read to. He laughs all the time, which cracks me up. He likes to have a bowl and spoon when he eats now and tries to do it himself. He walks to his bedroom when I say it's time for night night. And gets excited when his bottle and blanket come.
He moves things all over the house. Grabs things from the pantry, or drawer and takes it to another part of the house. I will find things days later in unexpected places.

The last couple of days he has been so good about playing by himself. Usually he takes my finger and drags me where he wants me...or pulls me down to pick him up cause he likes me to carry him some days. So days where he entertains himself is a welcome relief. I taught him to get down from the couch himself, so I made him a seat and turn on Baby Signing Time when I need to get something done and he doesn't want to play on his own. He likes his seat and he can get down when he is ready. It works.
Nothing like company coming into town to motivate me to clean like crazy. When I vacuum Carter roams around trying to be louder than the vacuum. So funny.
He also lets you know when he doesn't want to do something. He cries when he doesn't get his way, but hopefully he is getting better. He sure is fun. He is a good eater and I have been getting more daring with what I feed him. He found a candy cane the other day in the pantry and I gave him a piece. On Valentine's day he kept pulling me to where the Valentine's cookies were that my neighbors brought, letting me know he wanted another taste. Apparently he likes treats like his mom.
I gave him a quick hair cut today....not a good hair cut but I got it a little shorter in the front and around his ears. Not even and he wasn't even sitting still when I attempted to snip a few places. But it will do until we see my sister.
Tried out a bow and honestly, he would make a cute girl too. haha. I will save this picture for black mail some day. Jim thinks I am a mean mom. haha  He was trying to take the bow off, but it looks like he is posing with it on. I love it!
Love this kid and can't believe it has almost been a year.