Tuesday, June 12, 2012


His new thing is running with his eyes closed. It is so funny. So far he hasn't hurt himself and run into anything, but it's close. Silly boy. He was also practicing walking backwards the other day.
He screams and squeals a lot. Likes to do the thing you tell him not too. Yells at people to tell them whatever it is he is saying. He still isn't saying real words but he does yell and babble a LOT. Well, he has started saying oh no.
At church or at stores he loves getting people to look at him...seeking attention from a distance. But still only goes to Jim or I 95% of the time. He pushes and pulls us where he wants us and pulls us if he needs help. Last week he didn't want to share my attention with anyone...which makes it hard. That is when I question trying to have another one and want another one at the same time. He needs a friend but sometimes I can barely handle the one I have.
 His cousin, Tate, is a year older than him and Tate is so soft and nice to Carter. Carter loves him and has fun chasing him around when they are together. Tate gives him hugs and it is adorable. He is lucky to have cousins that are so good to him close by. Carter is at a fun age.
He understands how to play with toys better and loves to climb on Jim and I and play around. He laughs and jokes around.
Carter is always getting things out of the drawers or pantry, so I usually don't pay attention, the other day I saw him with a little chocolate bar and didn't worry about it cause he usually just plays with them. I was on the phone for a few minutes, got off and went around the table to see what he was doing....he had eaten through the wrapper and was eating the chocolate. I don't know how he even knew he wanted to eat it....he cried when I took it away. Man, that kid!

And he found a new hiding place for his toys...guess I need to make sure the toilets are clean.
Jim had his first Hockey game on Friday night. He hasn't skated since we have been married, but he did surprisingly well. He needs to practice with a stick and puck, but he will pick it up quick because you his competitiveness. It was fun to watch. I was surprised that they played 3, 20 minute periods. Hard core!
We went to Park City a few weeks ago. It snowed a lot when we were there....can't wait to head to warmer weather in July for my friends wedding. I miss vacations!
Saturday we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Carter put his bread and grapes up on the ledge until he was ready to eat them. (look on the ledge) Ummm...okay, whatever keeps you entertained.

He loves stirring things, moving things, and running around, laughing and being silly. He LOVES going on bike rides. He sits behind Jim and kicks him to go faster. He likes standing on the top of our driveway and throwing balls down it and then running after them. I have to run too so I get to them before Carter runs out onto the street to get them.
His 2 teeth on top finally came through...but more are working there way in all the time.
Spring weather has been warm then cool. Switching week to week or day to day. But the 70's and 80's are so nice to have and be able to play outside without it being too hot. We started the summer park schedule with Jim's sister's families. Love meeting up and enjoying the out doors together with family. It's also nice to run outside. My friend, Natalie, is training for Ragnar and it's so good to have someone to run with and push you. I love warm weather! And to mention it, cause I never do, I love my fun, darling little boy!
Not sure I like that he is smart....cause he also came with an independent, stubborn, willful side that I can't believe comes out so strongly in a 16 month old. Tonight, he cried when I was eating and wouldn't pick him up, then he screamed when Jim took him in the other room so I could finish. He screamed cause he wanted me and that was that. Give me strength. I need to be on my knees already to have patience with this child. He poured out a bag of chips and then tried to crush them while I was trying to clean them up. He can now stand in his high chair, scary. I was eating a marshmallow and was finished, so he opened the door under the sink and put his marshmallow in the garbage. WOW! While playing with bubbles tonight he wouldn't let me blow them, he wanted the wand. He actually get a few on his own, but wouldn't even let me help him get the wand in the bubble solution. He thinks it's funny to do things we have told him not too. Drink the bath or water table water, eat the bubbles, stick his hand in the car exhaust pipe....just to mention a few. He wares me out....mentally and in every other way. How can he already be this much of a handful so young????? He came with a personality that will prepare him for the things he will face in this world....but will I make it? He understands and can learn to do things by himself, yet still is not taking much of an interest in talking. I don't count the squeal he has started to do more frequently....that is so annoying, once again he thinks it's funny if I tell him to stop. Sometimes this kid kills me.
After reading this post.....does he sound like a normal boy or am I in for it?


The Suzzzz said...

Totally normal boy.