Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Carter could eat waffles and rootbeer for every meal. He loves running, jumping, fighting, hiding, and all things boy. 

His imagination is really taking off and plays a lot of make believe with his stuffed animals or cars. He will also make up songs to go along with what is happening at that moment. its pretty cute. 
what is not as cute are the eye rolls he gives us when he doesnt get his way. He is not excited about trying to be potty trained. But maybe he is slowly coming around, I hope. Forced him into underpants one day and within 3 hours had given up after 2 accidents and one forceable success. He is loud and needs attention. His is very friendly and learning how to make friends wherever he goes. He loves to make Delany laugh, which happens when he jumps around like a wild man at a safe distance from her. 

Delany sings or screams , something she learned from her brother or she is going to be an opera singer. She is pretty easy going and a very good baby. She started sleeping through the night a few weeks ago and it is fabulous. 

She is drooling like crazy.... Let the 3 years of teething begin. I LOVE that her little arms and legs start a pumping when she sees you or is excited. She smiles when you come to get her out of bed and is content to play for a few minutes when she wakes up. 

She is starting to eye our food and I am starting to think about introducing solids soon. She loves more from her back to her belly. 

She seems to like the excersaucer that we put her in this week.

 She is always gnawing on her hands or whatever she can get her hands on. 

Love my two beautiful kids.