Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another week under my belt

Maybe only a mother thinks every face their baby makes is pretty stinkin these pictures may not be for everyone. But I am trying to keep on top of pictures for everyone that doesn't get to see him. He is now 3 weeks old. He is starting to sleep a little longer (most nights, knock on wood)
He likes his fingers, fist, or thumb in his mouth.
Here he did good with tummy time. You may not believe me but he has actually rolled over to his back twice when I have put him on his tummy. What we like to call none-stop little legs and determination. My mom saw him do it too. He has also smiled, real smiles. Pretty cute.
This is his look of surprise when he rolled over on his own.
This is documentation of his large feet. By the looks of it, he might be tall.
His first outing, besides to the doctors and things like that. We got him dressed in something other than PJ's. He went to Walmart, but slept through the experience.
Look, I put on make-up today. Someone showed up at my door the other day and I had just finished feeding Carter. My mom answered it, but I decided to go say hi. Once I reached the door I realized I hadn't even looked in a mirror or showered. I glanced in the mirror after the fact and my hair was all over the place and I looked pretty scary. Pretty funny...or maybe I should be embarrassed. I had a pilates training Friday afternoon and all day Saturday.....can you say hello abs. They had been on vacation and have not fully returned. It felt good to do something, but I can feel it today!
I asked my mom if this picture was inappropriate and she said it was fine. I just happened to take the picture at the perfect time to catch him in the act of peeing in the bath.
His face says "Oops, she caught that on camera!"
Busted little guy!
Jim was in Vegas this weekend cheering for the Aggies at the WAC. My mom and I both went to BYU and this is an outfit my mom bought for my brothers 30 years ago. So we put it on and sent the picture to daddy. They say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well, stuff happens here too when daddy is away.
These are some high lights of the week. My mom leaves Tuesday and I am not looking forward to my full time nanny being gone, or doing everything all on my own. I was spoiled. Thanks to my amazing mom, who sacrificed time, energy, and sleep to help me and help take care of Carter. We will miss her! Reality is about to hit, scary!


Halaufia's said...

What a precious little man! He is adorable and it seems like everything is falling into place. Love the bath picture- his face is so cute!

The Suzzzz said...

Call me if you ever need a break, I am happy to give you time to shower/nap/cook/shop/have alone time.

I am helping my friend Becca (she's a social working and single gal) with an infant she is fostering. He's a little younger than Carter but very healthy and likes to stay up ALL night. I've given her a couple breaks this weekend.

Donna said...

He is waaaayyyy too cute!! Can't wait to give him a snuggle!!

Sorry I missed seeing you Diana!

Maybe next time your down!

The Birds said...

He's so fun and you look great. Don't feel too bad everyone crys when their mom leaves...I did twice! LOL! What can I say MOM's are the best!

Angela said...

I love that you are in the blogging groove, for all of us who don't get to see him, keep it up. Love that he is a thumb sucker, SO CUTE and I can't BELIEVE you are already back doing pilates, YOU are AMAZING. love, Love, LOVE the BYU outfit and especially the little boy wearing it.

Marilee said...

I'm just catchin up some of my blog reading and was SOOOOOO excited to see that you had your little baby! CONGRATS!!! He's adorable and I couldn't be happier for you guys! Is it just me or does he look like a Jacobs???

Cami Checketts said...

Love the pictures! He is adorable.
Can't believe you are doing pilate already. You're superwoman.