Monday, March 7, 2011

I am 2 weeks old and way too cute!

Yes, he is partly Canadian! Yes, he is sleeping with his hand against his cheek. So adorable. He loves his hands.
Grandma trying to get a burp, Carter just hanging out.
Carter's first bath! He was not to sure about it!
Momma just looking at her little peanut. He is so small and cute.
This is how we found his diaper....half off. We had to switch to preemie diapers so they wouldn't come off his skinny butt. At his two week appointment we found out he is back up to his birth weight. So we are supplementing him trying to fatten him up. I hate not being a good enough cow. What can you do.....nursing maids are a thing of the past, so spitting up formula is what we have to deal with.
His stylish hair!
Some quality time with dad, while watching sports. Jim is so great with him. My two amazing men!
Look closely....both legs are in the same leg of the PJ's. He crosses them, or gets them stuck when he pulls his knees up to his chest. Once again, the pains of being too skinny.
He likes his swing.
We bought a wedge, so he could sleep at angle to try to help him not spit up. He rolled down and turned sideways and was sleeping at the bottom of it. Less helpful.
That is our cute little man. We are loving him and getting used to less sleep.....sort of!


Angela said...

Sara, I'm so proud of you, you have posted more than I have, although I blogged about Carter first.... He is SUPER Adorable and give him a kiss for me.

The Birds said...

Congrats! He seriously is so precious! Love and hold them as much as possible...they grow way to fast! He looks like the snuggliest baby ever!

Donna said...

I totally agree with the title of this post!! He is ADORABLE!!!

Emily said...

Congratulations! What a cute little guy. My first little girl had acid reflux and was a super spitter. The spitting up gets better around 4 months.

Ali B. said...

He is SO cute! Well done kids. Oh, and congratulations, if I haven't said that already!