Monday, January 9, 2012

Walking and disrobing!

My sister sent me some adorable pictures from Christmas that she took on her camera.

Roxy and Carter looking for squirrels...or something outside. Carter loved hanging out with Roxy!

Then these are what Carter has been up to since we have been home. He is now starting to try to walk to things instead of crawling. Not just back and forth between Jim and he thinks he can walk to his toys or places. A little nerve racking...Jim is better at letting him fall. That may be why when he walks to me he can walk further cause he goes slower. When he is walking to Jim he tries to go faster and can't balance as well so can't go as far. It may be because he trusts me to make sure he doesn't fall, but who knows. He is always pulling off his socks. And a few times in the past few days he has disrobed in his crib. One day he pulled his pants and socks off. One morning he had one arm out of his PJ's. Not sure what this is all about, but he keeps things interesting that is for sure.

He loves knocking over towers and putting objects inside each other. He was a daddy's boy this weekend and would follow Jim where ever he went. He loves playing with his dad.


Lindsey said...

That is so funny! I can't believe he got his pants all the way off! I feel like I'm seeing double with the arm out the pj neck hole...what is up with that? I know you've said it before, but it's crazy how I feel like I'm reading about Graham when I read what Carter is doing. He's too cute!